Thursday, July 27, 2006

why good day

hello, hi, labas, hey, hola, bonjour.
(several ways of saying hello)
anywayss, today is not my official blog day (tuesday is) but i forgot and as a result i am writing one right now!!
on tuesday, i worked really hard on creating posters for the garden. the posters had a picture of a peach on them and read "harvest me!". These posters were made in an effort to create awarness of the garden and spur exitement and envolvment of the community. yesterday, we took these posters and put them up around the area of p.s. 134. this way, people who walk by the posters will find out about the garden and hopefully want to find out more about it. Contact information was included on the posters on little rip off peices attatched to the end. we also worked ALOT in the garden yesterday. I helped load huge bags of mixing soil that almost crushed me under their heavy weight. Alex helped me load them onto my shoulder while Jeanette pointed to the ones i should take. She ws afraid of falling down under the weight and resulted in playing with a centipede and a leaf in the trunk of the pick up while alex and i did the grueling labor that should have recieved extra high pay but unfortunately did not. I guess the advantage is that we will get nice toned bodies and pirky muscles. After a nice lunch and some time spent in refreshing air conditioning, we all headed over to the garden. We spent time transplanting tomato plants, watering and sweeping. I even made some grout necessary to fill the cracks in the tile mosiac of a plot. A good thing is that 4 little kids showed up. Hopefully they are becoming aware of the garden and enjoying themleves.
Well, enough for now.
-Queen Ona


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.