Thursday, July 13, 2006

a very busy day

Today was a very busy and exciting day... well, sort of. With so many things to do, it was hard to determine exactly what to do first. We have been working on publicizing the garden, the Sarah D. Roosevelt project, the table etc... We've been making postcards depicting the comings and goings of the park next door and plan to send them to the head of the parks department. We want the park to be a place that fits the neighborhood's wants and needs. Old people and young people alike use it daily for, often times, very different purposes. We organized the postcards, making them as clear as possible to those who will be receiving them. We scanned them so as we will have a documentation of the project and, brainstormed on exactly how we would bring attention to our cause. We might take a survey in the near future, but that would involve writing in Chinese.Uh oh. Later, we began to redesign the stencils, we want them to have a stylized appearance and will use them to promote the park with t-shirts and other paraphenalia. At present, we are uprooting the garden in front of all the weeds and garbage, it will be lovely.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.