Friday, July 21, 2006

<('.' <)<( '.'<)<( '.' <)<( '.' )>(> '.' )>(>'.' )>(> '.')> dance kirby dance

Yo, it's Justin and Eric both of us again. Today was awesome. The only interns that came in today were the both of us, Ona and Emilija because everyone else had today off. We had fun painting the animals that were cut out that would be the mascots of each grade at PS134. Then we looked for pictures of dragonflies and hummingbirds for the mascots. We found a great one for a hummingbird and were about to print it out, but something really funny happened. When it was about to be printed out, someone printed on the transparent papers that Eric put into the printer. Therefore, he had to put another transparent paper into the printer. Also, Jenny from CPC came and interviewed us. It was cool and funny. Then it was time to go to the garden, but it was delayed because it was raining really hard. We waited until the rain stopped to go. Then it was time to go, but we came back after walking a few blocks because it was thundering. Alex said if it thundered six times, we were going back. So here we are, back, typing the blog. And that's all for now. Peace in the middle east!!!


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