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This is Dennis signing on!
Ah yes, week six was an interesting week as well. I guess we can sum it up as product design week. On the first day, we split up into two groups and took Manhattan by storm. I working with Dylan, Ming, Amanda, and Annie.
The first stop we went to visit, was the MoMA store. At the MoMA store, I found some very nice dolls. Yes, I still play with dolls, but theses dolls were different in the sense that the doll was made from one piece of continuous string. The continuous string makes this doll unique and it gave me an idea for what product that we can do. And the first thing that came to my mind, was that we can use it for our design camp. The campers would be given a metal skeleton and then we would give them string and let them wrap it around the frame. After they are done with wrapping the string around the frame, they can paint their new doll.
The next store that we went to was the Scholastic store. At the Scholastic store, we found a lot of do-it-yourself kits. I found a window art kit in which we use a type of paint that we paint on a plastic sheet and then after the artwork dried, we can peel it and then paste it on the wall. I feel that this is also an excellent product for the design camp as well because it allows the campers to create any design they want.
After a few hundred blocks and then some, we went to Mxyplyzyk. The store is very similar to the MoMA store and it is just as expensive. We didn't really find anything interesting at the store, so we moved on. The last store that visited was the Kidding Around store. As the store implies, we kid around a lot. We all took turns to play with hand puppets and explore the store. Dylan found a garden tool tote bag and it was very cute. All of the tools were miniature and design especially for kids. This would be a valuable product for the design camp. It would make gardening much more friendly for the campers.
After a long and tiring day, we went back to HSC and called it a day. The next day we came back to the office and we had a conference about all of the products that we selected. It was very productive.
Now we are working on our individual projects. Lately I have been working slowly on it because I was sick all week long. It was hard to focus and I was very tired all the time. I'm feeling a bit better now. Time to finish my project! This is Dennis signing off!
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