Friday, July 08, 2005

Hi, I'm Jenny Chen. Today, I was working on the garden in PS134.
The whole day wasn't wasted on non-resulting activities. We made a lot of progress on short term work. We started the day with volunteers from Henry street. We brainstormed ideas in which we can improve on the features of the garden and cateogorized the ideas into short term activities and long term goals.
After our discussion on the potential goals and worked on the short terms goals that ranged from raking leaves to pulling out weeds.
Gardening was a whole new experience for me. To me, gardening is helping maintain the life of plants by pulling out weeds and watering the plants, and also making the appearance of the garden more pleasant to observe.
The importance of today was to make progress on our short term goals, but if generalized, the purpose of today was to clean up the garden and make our work on the garden in the future to be less burdened.
I felt as though the hard work in garden today paid off. I could really tell the diffence between how the garden used to be and how it is right now. It is amazing how a little weed pulled out makes such a huge diffence in appearance. Even though I think the the garden looks great as it is right now, I can't wait to see the finished product of the garden.

- The next day
Today's goal was merely just to research on the plants and ideas that will better suit the garden. We went though our ideas realistically and made sure that our ideas didn't go out of hand like building a whole fountain in the garden.
My favorite idea was to mosaic the garden's pathway with marbles or pebbles. I like that idea because when you think of a garden, you immediatly imagine all this different kind of bright colors, but with a dull solied floor, the dull color does'nt compliment the colors of bright flowers. With the colors of the marbles mosaiced on the pathway, it can bring the colors of the garden to the next level.

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