Wednesday, October 29, 2008

lequin's 2nd blog Its My Park Day

Hey this is lequin again here to tell you about what’s been going on here at Hester Street collaborative hmmm where to start well I guess you can say Sara D. Roosevelt Park is watched by its community to assure a better park. Also we as a whole help rejuvenate the park. How one might ask this is being done well first advocated for money, next they created a plan to fix the park, and then we did some creating for example we did stencil project which was making a design for the kids to paint with. The process was complicated yet easy. The first step was to Google search for leaf images and then traces them on thick card stock. After that I laminated it with contact paper then cut the shape out. That wasn’t really a slice of cake, and whoa was it dangerous. This was all for a big event called Its My Park Day on October 25. More on what happened during it’s my park day from what I hear it was great people were helpful, and they did lots of activities like scavenger hunts stenciling, bulb planting for spring, also it’s a semi-annual event that bring together the community. Oh yeah the shirt design if your wondering what happened. The t shirt design is being looked at by the school. Also in the future I will be learning how to print the design on to the shirt once it’s been checked.

Monday, October 20, 2008

T shirt design

Hi there this is Lequin Robinson here with news on what I’ve been working on for the past six weeks. Now where to begin lets see ill start from week 1 man was that week pretty rough trying to draw the letters for the p.s.134 community garden (t) shirt design and also trying to make it almost perfect. Then after that week 2 was even more exhausting doing the lettering that says (at the p.s.134 community garden) that took me at least 25 tries, but it was completely worth it cause I get to improve and learn something new. Soon after that I got to the computer and that was a whole other level of work although it was my first time using adobe Photoshop and illustrator, and just struggling to learn the keys and tools but that too is pretty fun, and this is weeks 4-6. But if I learned anything this past 6 weeks it would be that you shouldn’t be quick to want to give up on something that may help you on the long run.